Name: Aang
Element: Avatar: Air Bender
First Appearance: Episode 1 Book 1
Bio: Aang is the current Avatar of this time. The Avatar is the bridge between the spirit world, and the human world. Aang is an Air Bender, and like all Air Benders, he was raised by monks in the air temples. He hails from the Southern Air Temple, which is specific to training boys. Both the Southern and Northern Air Temples train males, while the Eastern and Western train females. Aang's mentor was Monk Gyatso, but he was much like a father to Aang.
Normally, people are told of their Avatar identity when they turn 16. The monks saw the upcoming war, and in an effort to stop it, they told Aang that he was the Avatar when he was 12. They told him that he would have to leave Monk Gyatso and start training in the other elements, so he ran away with his Flying Bison, Appa. In the night, Aang and Appa ran into a storm that sent them into the ocean. Aang's Avatar State (a state of being that only Avatars can do, which allows the Avatar to do incredible things) kicked on and protected both of them in a shell of air. The shell not only protected them, but froze them in ice, stopping the aging of both Aang and Appa. One hundred years later, they were discovered by Katara and Sokka in Southern Water Tribe, and set free from the ice.
As a result of being raised by monks, Aang has a cheerful disposition, and he is a pacifist. Aang does not eat meat of any kind, and respects all life. Throughout the course of the show, the writers were very careful never to use the words "kill" "killed" "die" "dead" "death" etc, especially in Aang's dialogue. When it comes to violence or fighting, Aang generally does not attack unless he absolutely has to. His tactics involve running or dodging, using the attacks of his opponents against them, and if necessary he will airbend them away, but never injure them.
Name: Appa and Momo
Element: None
Element: None
First Appearance: Episode 1 and 3 Book 1
Bio: Appa is Aang's flying Bison, and has been for many years. He is always there to assist Aang when he is needed. Momo is a flying Lemur who Aang found at the Air Temple with Katara and Sokka. It is believed that Momo is the last of his species, though it is never confirmed or denied. Momo gets his name from the Japanese word "peach" (桃). Near the end of his introduction episode, he brought a peach to Sokka, which is probably why Aang named him Momo. Momo is always getting into trouble and is a major part of the comic relief for the show (apart from Sokka of course.) :)
Name: Azula
Element: Fire Bending
First Appearance: Final Episode Book 1
First Appearance: Final Episode Book 1
Bio: Azula first appears at the end of season 1 when her father asks her to track down the Avatar since his son and brother are failures. Azula agrees, and begins her mission to find her brother, uncle, and capture the Avatar. Azula is a Fire Bending prodigy. Since she was little girl, she was a better bender than Zuko. She is one of the only Fire Benders to be seen using Lightning Bending, the only others have been Ozai and Iroh. Azula uses fear and manipulation to make people do what she wants them to do, she has an amazing ability to read people, and she can lie so well that even the physical changes in the body that normally happen to others don't happen to her. Azula has two best friends from her youth, Ty Lee and Mai, they seem to be the only people who legitimately get along with Azula by their own will, that says a lot about her.
Name: The Cabbage Guy
Element: Spontaneous Cabbage Regeneration (Not really) UNKNOWN
Element: Spontaneous Cabbage Regeneration (Not really) UNKNOWN
First Appearance: Episode 5 Book 1
Bio: The Cabbage Guy is not an official character of the Avatar series, but he is the only recurring background character throughout season 1 and 2. He is often seen with his cabbages, and they are almost always destroyed, yet he somehow gets more by his next scene. The Cabbage Guy loves his cabbages, and dislikes the Avatar because he is usually the cause of the cabbage's destruction.
Name: Iroh
Element: Fire Bending
First Appearance: Episode 1 Book 1
First Appearance: Episode 1 Book 1
Bio: Iroh is the brother of the current Fire Lord, and the guardian of Zuko. He is a famous general of the Fire Nation for his initial invasion of Ba Sing Se. His invasion became a failure because his son Lu Ten died in the war. He is a very strong Fire Bender, and is one of the only who knows how to redirect lightning, he learned this skill by studying the Water Benders. Iroh is well connected with the Spirit World, because he respects life and actively seeks to please the spirits. Iroh is what you could call enlightened. He respects the other bending disciplines, and he is constantly cheerful and happy. Iroh is laid back, and he loves tea and tea making.
Between season 2 and 3, the voice actor for Iroh, Mako Iwamatsu, passed away, and he was replaced by Greg Baldwin.
Element: Water Bending
First Appearance: Episode 1 Book 1
First Appearance: Episode 1 Book 1
Name: Mai
Element: None
First Appearance: Episode 3 Book 2
Name: Mai
Element: None
First Appearance: Episode 3 Book 2
Name: Fire Lord Ozai
Element: Fire Bending
First Appearance: Mixed appearances, official face reveal Episode 1 Book 3
First Appearance: Mixed appearances, official face reveal Episode 1 Book 3
Name: Avatar Roku
Element: Avatar, Fire Bending
Element: Avatar, Fire Bending
First Appearance: Episode 7 Book 1
Name: Sokka
Element: None
First Appearance: Episode 1 Book 1
First Appearance: Episode 1 Book 1
Name: Suki
Element: None
First Appearance: Episode 4 Book 1
First Appearance: Episode 4 Book 1
Name: Toph Bei Fong
Name: Toph Bei Fong
Element: Earth Bending
First Appearance: Episode 6 Book 2
First Appearance: Episode 6 Book 2
Name: Ty Lee
Element: None
First Appearance: Episode 3 Book 2
First Appearance: Episode 3 Book 2
Name: Admiral Zhao
Element: Fire Bending
First Appearance: Episode 3 Book 1
First Appearance: Episode 3 Book 1
Name: Zuko
Element: Fire Bending
First Appearance: Episode 1 Book 1
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